Rob Papen is a globally renowned sound designer whose sounds and virtual synthesizers are used and loved by many synthesizer players and music producers.This 200+ page book, which is accompanied by over 10 hours of video content, gives an in-depth insight into his approach of working with subtractive synthesis.
In 2001, Rob Papen began giving exclusive masterclasses teaching 'synthesizer sound design" in his studio. For these training sessions, Rob developed his own method to explain the secrets of subtractive synthesis, called "The 4 Element Synth".This masterclass training is now transformed into a combined book and video package that also delivers numerous 'tips and tricks' which will help you to design and tweak your own sounds. Throughout the masterclass, a variety of hardware and software synthesizers are explored.
Rob Papen - The Secrets of Subtractive Synthesis : The 4 Element
As the title suggests, The 4 Element Synth breaks down your (subtractive) synthesizer into, well, four elements: oscillators, filters, amplifiers and modulators. Each element is then broken down even further, with each control parameter explained in full detail always keeping its interaction with the other elements in mind.
Rob Papen is a well-known Dutch sound designer and creator of a variety of software virtual synthesizers, including Predator, Blue and Blade. In addition, he provides 'masterclass' training in 'synthesizer sound design', and has devised a teaching method based on a 'four-element synth' model to explain how subtractive synthesis works and how it is used to create sounds. The four elements, in case you couldn't guess, are the oscillators, the filters, the mixer/amplifiers, and the modulators and controllers.
A huge amount of work has obviously been expended in creating this book and the related videos, and the content is both thorough and of educational value to synthesiser novices. However, for anyone seeking genuinely advanced applications and real synthesis secrets, I would humbly direct the reader to Gordon Reid's appositely titled series of Synth Secrets articles, available on the SOS web site (/sos/allsynthsecrets.htm). Hugh Robjohns 2ff7e9595c