POINTED EARS SLIDER Sims 4 Slider Mods You Cant Play Without Whether you are making a Link character or want all your sims to look like elves from Santas workshop, this slider mod allows you to adjust a sims ears so they appear much more pointed instead of the normal rounded ears.
Sims 4 Better Body Mod
This mod also requires a No MusclesNo Fat mod to function, as it stops your sims from changing in-game when they gain weight or gain muscles by working out as this would mess up how you changed your sims with the mod itself.
The Sims 4 is missing a few features which franchise veterans really want. One of the most noticeable is body hair. While you can add limited facial hair to male sims, other body hair choices are not currently in the game. This means that every sim has smooth hairless skin, regardless of their age.
For some players, the unrealistic nature of this means that they turn to CC and mods to fill in the gaps. There are some mods that have body hair as part of the mod but most is added with custom content. Here we've pulled together some custom content that aims to replicate authentic body hair to make your sims more realistic.
They feel more realistic than many in-game options and better match other body hair options. They are also usable from teen to elder and on male or female sims, making them incredibly versatile. For neat brows that match your other CC, these are a great choice.
This body hair has recently been updated to work with other mods. There are several different versions and each one comes in all 18 EA hair color swatches. While we are entirely unsure why you'd want pink body hair, the color matching is useful nonetheless.
This realistic body hair by Slums adds hair to the chest, legs, arms, and armpits of your sims and can be found in the tattoos and gloves categories. It comes in just one thickness but does include texture not often seen.
This detailed body hair is available for sims from young adults and upwards. The color is designed to complement a variety of skin tones. It was created by TSR featured artist PinkZombiecupcakes and is available on their TSR Page.
This body hair is a recolor to make Luumia's hair, which appears further up on this list, better match the EA hair colors. Adding in-game swatches gives more variety but this recolor does not use the latest version of Luumia's content.
If you only download one lot of body hair then this pack from LuumiaSims is the one you want. It has a straight/wavy option in 10 different levels of density and a curly option with 5 options for thickness.
There are also 5 realistic swatches, black (jet), dark brown (Coffee), light brown (Cocoa), ginger (Flame), and blonde (Platinum). It includes full-body coverage and can be found on Luumia's website. In-game you'll find the textures in the tattoo section.
Aneta, 36, is a striking woman with long dark hair and thin, dramatically arched eyebrows. She's also a colorful human canvas of tattoos, piercings and implants that she frequently shares on Instagram. She describes herself as a body modder, "alien biomech queen," "pain lover" and performer. Her intense performances match her bold mien, occasionally involving her willingly coming in contact with an electric drill.
Samppa, who often performs alongside his wife, is himself an exhibition of tattoos and body mods. But his slightly demonic look -- a "metal mohawk" of spikes anchored under his skin sits atop his bald head -- starkly contrasts with his thoughtful and eloquent demeanor as he chats with me over Skype from London.
Biohackers set on re-engineering better bodies are creating bionic eyes and sticking RFID chips under their skin to turn their limbs into credit cards and travel passes. A small subset of bold body modders, like Samppa, are putting technology from simple magnets to working vibrator implants inside their bodies to supercharge their erotic lives and make cyborg sex a reality.
Their extreme body modifications might sound bizarre, even terrifying. But some grinders envision a not-so-distant future where people routinely alter themselves to expand how their bodies interact with the world -- and other bodies.
Lee clearly communicates a kind of existential rebellion that flows through some sectors of the biohacking community. Extreme body modification can be like a middle finger raised toward nature, which Lee refers to as "a force that is continuously trying to murder us."
Steve Haworth is well known and respected in the body modification community. He's the one who put magnetic speakers in Lee's ears and claims to have pioneered the subdermal and transdermal implant on human limbs and other less private regions. He'd like to take the female genital magnet first implanted by Samppa Von Cyborg a step further by pairing it with a second one for more on-demand stimulation.
Haworth, who's been featured in a number of documentaries and TV shows about body modification, has yet to perform a genital implantation himself, but Samppa Von Cyborg says he's completed the procedure a number of times. In the case of Aneta's pioneering implant, she was happy with it, she says, but eventually chose to get de-magnetized.
While the Von Cyborgs emphasized the importance of knowing the potential safety concerns associated with implants in my conversations with them, safety concerns seem to follow them. My correspondence with the couple suddenly stopped around the time the BBC published a story based in part on an undercover investigation of their body modification business. The story alleges that their customers were improperly being administered a dose of anesthetic not approved for non-medical use.
There is some irony here. Before the BBC story, Samppa said he was interested in seeing body modding become more professional and mainstream. He even said he'd like to see government-sponsored training and licensing for body modification.
Carol Queen, staff sexologist for legendary sex shop Good Vibrations and founding director of the Center for Sex & Culture in San Francisco, supports biohacking and body modification, but thinks it's important people take responsibility for understanding the potential consequences.
"There have been ideas thrown about in the body modification community for many years to have vibrating units installed in the penis that would have internal batteries, but those modifications are currently impractical at best, and have yet to be realized," he said. "But as implantable battery technology improves, this idea becomes more possible."
When his cyborg Casanova conversion kit is finally ready, Lee says it will be available from a body modification artist with special training rather than the local medical specialist you might visit for that IUD or other implants. The reason he isn't pursuing approvals to make a Lovetron installation a proper medical procedure is pretty simple.
With these male body presets for The Sims 4, you can have a better-looking Sim in no time. If you found this post helpful, be sure to follow me on Tumblr and Pinterest for more Sims 4 content like this. And as always, Happy Simming!?
We consider the ground state of an Ising ring governed by the Hamiltonian with the jth Pauli operator of spin i and , j = x, y, z. In Eq. (1), ωx and ωz are the magnetic energies of the spin subjected to a global longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields respectively, and Jx, Jz, , are the two- and three-body inter-spin coupling strengths. For different magnetic energies and coupling strengths, the ground state of the Ising-type spin ring governed by Eq. (1) shows different non-locality and entanglement properties. We consider the two cases with different magnetic energies and coupling strengths ωx, ωz, Jx, Jz, , :
Deaf individuals may compensate for the lack of the auditory input by showing enhanced capacities in certain visual tasks. Here we assessed whether this also applies to recognition of emotions expressed by bodily and facial cues. In Experiment 1, we compared deaf participants and hearing controls in a task measuring recognition of the six basic emotions expressed by actors in a series of video-clips in which either the face, the body, or both the face and body were visible. In Experiment 2, we measured the weight of body and face cues in conveying emotional information when intense genuine emotions are expressed, a situation in which face expressions alone may have ambiguous valence. We found that deaf individuals were better at identifying disgust and fear from body cues (Experiment 1) and in integrating face and body cues in case of intense negative genuine emotions (Experiment 2). Our findings support the capacity of deaf individuals to compensate for the lack of the auditory input enhancing perceptual and attentional capacities in the spared modalities, showing that this capacity extends to the affective domain. 2ff7e9595c