It is with the life of that generation and not withgossip about this or that member of it that I am concerned.A new and inexcusable terror is added to socialintercourse when the confidence, the indiscretion or themalice of a dinner-table is industriously recorded andpublished; and it is still believed by some who weretrained in a tradition of reticence that intimate portraitsand studies should be withheld so long as the originalsor their friends can be offended or hurt by unsoughtpublicity. While a man of even thirty-three, spendingmost of his life in London, may have met more than afew of the statesmen and financiers, the sailors and soldiers,the artists, authors and actors who have now chiefplace in the interest of their countrymen, I feel thatit would be impudent for him publicly to scatter hisunsolicited opinion on those whom he has been invited[xi]to meet privately. This book will therefore be free fromwhat has been called an "index of improper names."
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Awaiting telegraphic reply from Dormer to our requestfor leave to stay in Montreal until the mission[220]picks us up here on its homeward journey. Tried toarrange meeting with Stephen Leacock, who lectures tothe students of M'Gill in the intervals of writing hisimmortal books; unhappily he is away from Montrealat present.... Caught Dormer by a long-distance callto Government House, Ottawa.... I may remain atMontreal until Wednesday, when mission comes to presentSecretary of State, General Bridges and Admiralde Chair for honorary degrees and to pick me up enroute for the boat....
It may not be superfluous to recall the names of atleast a few of those who occupied the forefront of thestage in 1914. Conrad, after long neglect by all but atiny intelligenzia, had lately come into his own; Galsworthycontinued to break new hearts with the exquisitetenderness and beauty of each new book; Wells, no lessprolific than versatile, was pouring out an astoundingprofusion of challenges to religion, official politics, conventionalmorals, accepted economics and establishededucation, with an occasional glorious lapse into such skylarkingas Boon and into such immortal comedy as Mr.Polly; Bennett, most expert of craftsmen, was completinghis great series of giant miniatures and taking anoccasional holiday with The Card and The Regent. Atlong intervals there came a new volume of Kiplingstories, more restrained than of old and lacking theearly generous fire. Moore and James had foregonenovel-writing for autobiography and the retouching oftheir earlier work. 2ff7e9595c